Gilbert Lee


This project is Day #9 of 10 Designs in 10 Days. Check out all 10 projects.

A few years ago two friends and I created an app called Choosy, an applicant tracking system so hiring managers can direct all their candidates from different job boards into one location. We haven't changed it in years and as you can see from the screenshot on the homepage, the focus of the candidate page is still the resume, which is a very dated view of a person.

Times have changed. Nowadays people's profiles on the web offer more dimensions to candidates, including basic information on LinkedIn, code reviews on Github, creative work on Dribbble or Behance, photography on Instagram or Flickr, and video channels on Youtube or Vimeo. There's also Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, Tumblr, Quora, Readability, their own website and more. Sometimes, one person may have all of the above. Ahem.

Choosy was also designed around gathering active candidates, meaning the main way the app is useful to the recruiter is if candidates fill out a Choosy application form. An active candidate is actively looking for work. This does not necessarily mean unemployed, but it can. A passive candidate is employed, but not currently looking for a new job. What we've learned from our users and our own use of it is that we collected passive candidates, who did not fill out the application form. Usually these are people we know or want to work with someday. We keep our tabs on them in case an opportunity is available in the future.

The following design is the candidate page where I can see all the information about our fictitious candidate, Ella Steele. As you can see, the resume is not the most important element anymore. Projects are now showing plus the notes and comment stream. I'm also introducing tags, which I'm using as shortcuts to the experiences of the person. As candidates can be shared within a company account, I imagine having the ability to follow candidates.


The navigation is also an attempt to help organize the candidates by alphabetical order, popularity, and tags.


I didn't have time but I wanted the ability to upload video interviews with the candidate so others can see. I also wanted to show the ability to message from the app so we can track that history here. Lastly, pulling in their tweets, FB posts, instagram, Pinterest would be really cool.

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